Integration with NetSpell 2.0

  •  11-05-2003, 8:39 AM

    Integration with NetSpell 2.0

    I have set up NetSpell 2.0 and the "default.htm" file that it comes with works correctly, however when I try to integrate with CuteEditor, the "Loading spell checker..." popup window appears and immediately says "Spell Checking Complete" with an okay button (rather than making suggestions).  Here is some of my code (the editor doesn't seem to like it if I paste in everything):

    ' start code

    '//Create NetSpell Image Button -- this is in the Page_Load event of the code behind file

    Dim SpellingImage As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image()

    SpellingImage.ToolTip = "Check Spelling"

    SpellingImage.ImageUrl = "/NetSpell/Spelling.gif"

    SpellingImage.CssClass = "ready"

    SpellingImage.Attributes.Add("onclick", "checkSpelling('CuteEditor1','/NetSpell/spell.aspx')")

    SpellingImage.Attributes.Add("type", "btn")


    ' end code

    In the actual ASPX page, I include a script reference to /NetSpell/spell.js and define the cute editor tag.

    Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

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