Cross-browser AjaxUploader on SSL sites, causes error with FireFox & Chrome

  •  07-14-2009, 4:08 PM

    Cross-browser AjaxUploader on SSL sites, causes error with FireFox & Chrome

    Support: We are experiencing problems integrating the AjaxUploader in an SSL environment.  The upload control works just fine when using MSIE 7 or 8, but if you try to use Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox you get strange errors.  Can you provide a best practice approach for using the AjaxUploader control in a VB.Net environment on an SSL web service?  I have found some references to using non-SSL sites to act as the upload control and I may end up doing that, but my license doesn't cover that.  I have a single domain license and a single IP license of the control.  I can provide an externally accessible test page via email, just send me an email.  I believe I have the very latest version of the AjaxUploader control, it shows AjaxUploader 3.0 20090708.  Does the control require direct web access to the file?  The path I am currently using is not available through the web.  Let me know,  -=R=-
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