Multiple imagemaps in a single content

  •  07-14-2009, 3:30 PM

    Multiple imagemaps in a single content

    I am having a problem when I want to create more than one imagemap. If I load multiple images, and want to create an imagemap for two or more, the editor seems to keep redefining the imagemap and applies the single imagemap to all images.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. start with blank content
    2. Load an image and add an imagemap
    3. Add a hot spot in the first imagemap - make the hot spot distinct, such as forming it as a small square in the top left corner
    4. Save the imagemap
    5. Load a second image, select it, and add another imagemap
    6. Add a hot spot in this second imagemap, making it distinct from the first one - make it a small box in the bottom right corner
    7. Save the imagemap
    8. Now, select the first image and edit the image map again - you will see the small bottom right hotspot box from map 2 in image map 1
    9. In the html, you will see both images reference AutoMap1. If you had two images, each with an imagemap, you would expect to have these reference an AutoMap1 and an AutoMap2, respectively, but they don't. When you create a map for a second image, it blows away the first one.
    I performed this in IE 7 and IE 8, using CuteEditor ASP .net Version 6.2.
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