Progress Bar Percent styles

  •  07-14-2009, 9:24 AM

    Progress Bar Percent styles

    I am using the AJAX Uploader and it works great.  My only issue is that my site is on a black backround and as the file is uploading, I dont see the Percentage in the progress bar until it gets around 50% completed.  I've tried changing the backround:

    but the text inside the progress bar remains invisible until it reaches around 50%.  Is there a way to control the color of the percentage text inside the progress bar ?
    my aspx is:

    <CuteWebUI:Uploader runat="server" ID="Uploader1" FileTypeNotSupportMsg="this site allows upload of avi, mov and flv files"

    MaxFilesLimit=1 InsertButtonStyle-CssClass="loginbutton"

    ProgressInfoStyle="font:10px Tahoma;color:red;"

    InsertText="Select video and start upload" ButtonOnClickScript=" " >

    <VALIDATEOPTION AllowedFileExtensions="avi,flv,mov" MaxSizeKB="15000" />

    <InsertButtonStyle CssClass="loginbutton" />

    <CancelButtonStyle CssClass="loginbutton" />


    and my Page_Load
    Uploader1.ProgressPicture = "Images/ProgressBar.jpg" 
    Uploader1.ProgressPanelStyle.CssClass = "uploadprogress"
    thanks !
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