EditorOnPaste + Google Chrome

  •  07-10-2009, 2:22 AM

    EditorOnPaste + Google Chrome

    I've been playing around with the different EditorOnPaste options to get a result close enough to what I want and when I was convinced it was working properly my college kept telling me it still wasn't fine.
    Now I finaly found the problem; he's using Google Chrome!
    I'm using the PasteCleanHTML and when pasting in text (I'm using Lorem Ipsum text from: http://www.lipsum.com/feed/html) IE and FF work like a charm, giving me only the <P> tags and the actual text.
    Chrome however pastes in <span> tags with inline styles to it and that way it won't drop the font family from it's source website!!
    I think this is just Chrome adding in the span tags with the styles when copying the text, but is there any way to strip it out again?
    Thanks in advance,
    Ruben de Vries
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