Could not find a part of the path 'd:\hosting\thisismysite\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Shared'

  •  07-04-2009, 1:02 AM

    Could not find a part of the path 'd:\hosting\thisismysite\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Shared'

    Oh, yes I know you've heard it before. I've read the posts. But what I've read doesn't seem to correct my problem. The closest answer came from Afrika's thread but....
     The actual install folder is: 2.0/vb/editHtml.aspx
    I have been able to get things working on my home machine, including saving to a sql db (big step for me!) but I continue to run into the above mentioned problem on the hosted site. There was no path as mentioned above on my site so I made one and put the common.config file in there as well.  What am I missing? Is there another file that's supposed to be in there?
    This html page works!
    as do the other html pages. 
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