Modifying EditorBodyStyle Programatically

  •  06-25-2009, 2:48 PM

    Modifying EditorBodyStyle Programatically

    Hi There,
    I have a site where the users can update the content using Cute Editor. Some of the content is rendered over a background image. I set the Cute Editor properties as follows :

    string s_SourceFile = Server.MapPath(dr.GetString(8).Trim());

    Editor1.EditorBodyStyle = "font:normal 10pt verdana; color: " + dr.GetString(9).Trim() + "; background-image:url('" + s_SourceFile + "'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: left; padding: 10px;";

    dr.GetString(8) will be in the format of "~/Images/Waterways/mooring.jpg"                  

    The variables are retreived from a database and on my local machine it works fine, but when I upload it to the server no image appears, although the font colors do behave as expected.
    Could anyone help?
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