[resolved in] http:///Uploads/j026281.jpg -- Can't see image on my IE browser

  •  04-05-2005, 3:32 PM

    [resolved in] http:///Uploads/j026281.jpg -- Can't see image on my IE browser

    [Resolved in  Thank you!]

    When I open http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx on my PC the pictures in the table do not show.  I see the broken-link icon instead.  When I inspect the HTML view, I see that the link is "http:///Uploads/j026281.jpg"  Note three slashes and that cutesoft.net should be inserted between the second and third slashes.  The pictures show if I repair the link manually.

    So... Your Software has some automation to fix links in <a> and <img> tags, and it's messing up on my browser for some reason.  Perhaps your software makes a call to the system to determine the host site and that request returns a null or empty string on my browser for some reason.

    What makes this really bad is that on pages that I am editing, once the link is changed to http:///... it never changes back.  When I fill out the link manually, it works until the page is reloaded into the editor and then it wrecks the links again.  If the image link points to a different site, it continues to work, unaffected by your software.

    When thinking about this problem, remember, it's not my installation of your software or my application that's messing up.  It's my browser looking at any(?) site using the CuteSoft editor, and it will fail for anybody else with a similar software environment.  In another post I noted different forum member who had the same problem.  When I emailed him, he replied that he never solved the problem and he abandoned using CuseSoft for his application.

    I'm running Windows XP Home Edition 5.1.2600: Service Pack 2.  Internet Explorer 6.0.2900: Service Pack 2.  I am reluctant to reinstall.


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