Upload Within Image Gallery Not Working for IE 7

  •  06-23-2009, 5:00 PM

    Upload Within Image Gallery Not Working for IE 7

    I have setup the Cute Editor to read and write images to the database.  I have created my own c# class based on the example for the CuteEditor.Impl.FileStorage.  Within Firefox 3, all of the actions work just fine.  I can upload, move, delete, etc images with no issue.  However when I use IE 7 I get the following error when using the "Upload" button with the Image Gallery (all other functions seem to work just fine).
    /PublicSite/TreasurerNews is the sub folder path of where the image should be uploaded to.
    I have traced it down to the following area.  So within my c# class the "GetDirectoryText" function is called.  Within Firefox it returns "/PublicSite/TreasurerNews".  However, when using IE it passes all that garbage within it.  When the code hits "return Path.GetDirectoryName(dirPath);".  It blows up and the try catch throws the error.
    Any ideas on how I can fix this?
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