Cannot control CuteEditor width

  •  06-11-2009, 2:36 PM

    Cannot control CuteEditor width

    I need help to get the width of CuteEditor controlled.
    I am using stylesheets in a CMS environment. With the style sheet working I can not control the width.
    When I disable the stylesheet I can.
    I am sure there is one of my style sheet definitions that may overwright definitions from CuteEditor.
    I searched to find the right place in the include_CuteEditor.asp but could not find it. Tried many places, but nothing happend.
    What is the style that defines the width of this overall container?
    I had/have this working in Version 5 by including a style for DIV.CuteEditorToolbar like this
     padding-left: 5px;
     width: 550px;
    Version 6 still reacts on this style, but only for the top with the icons, not the full frame.
    Above is without style sheet. Below with style sheet. I modified the iframe to 500px.

    Volker Gottwald
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