Re: WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

  •  06-05-2009, 5:06 PM

    Re: WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

    I sent you information about a test environment in a private message as it contains login credentials where you can reproduce the problem, as it is pretty complex to configure this in the first place.
    Just FYI, the html is being stored into a database in a field type of "longtext". The SQL statment for the insert is as follows.
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `qls_pages` (domainid,html,caption) VALUES(" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ",'" . @$_POST["wysiwygeditor"] . "','" . $_POST['title'] . "');";

    One thing i found kind of strange is that i do not need to add addslashes() to the post var as everything is already escaped. Is this by design ?

    Custom Software Developent at MicroVB INC
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