Re: Highlight certain words with JavaScript

  •  06-04-2009, 7:18 AM

    Re: Highlight certain words with JavaScript

    Adam, thanks for your reply - however that's not what I need. I think you misunderstood my question.
    I handle the replacing before emails are sent, which is done maybe months after the email has been constructed...
    What I need is something to assist the user while constructing the email.
    The user might want to change the field {start_date_Long} to {start_date_short}. 
    What needs to happen when the user clicks within the {start_date_Long} field is the entire field must be selected, thus preventing the user from manually editing the field text, which could lead to errors.
    Consider the following:
    {start_date_short} manually edited could end up being {start_date_shhort} because of human error.
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