CuteEditor for non-ASP servers

  •  05-27-2009, 10:54 PM

    CuteEditor for non-ASP servers

    Hi there,

    I'm currently evaluating several WYSIWYG editors for a J2EE project that I'm working on and CuteEditor is one of the more full featured options that I've been looking at.  

    I've had a look through your site and it appears that the CuteEditor is JavaScript based on the client but integrated via ASP.NET or ASP on the server.  I was wondering whether it was possible to integrate the editor purely using JavaScript instead of .NET so that I could use it with my J2EE server?  It doesn't need to be ported to Java/JSP, having a JavaScript integration like FCKEditor or TinyMCE would be sufficient.

    Thanks in advance for your help,
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