Failure with Firefox also in V 6.4 table cash cursor after change to html view

  •  05-13-2009, 2:03 AM

    Failure with Firefox also in V 6.4 table cash cursor after change to html view

     Failure with Firefox also in V 6.4 table cash cursor after change to html view
     to reproduce   see the video blow (made in 2008)
     With IE 7.0 it works: a cursor can set under the table or you can write - FF 3.0 not
     the same in our application
    NOTICE: workflow to reproduce it (support - karen & Joice saw it, too and could reproduce) used Firefox 3
    cudedit .net Vers . 6.2  and  now reproduce in V. 6.4
    1. clean the box (empty) i did it in html mode
    2. in NORMAL mode insert one cell .
    immediately than go to the  button HTML mode  and press
    4. than go to NORMAL Mode and press   and try to write under the cell - it´s doesn´t work
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