Re: disabled upload file button on demo

  •  05-01-2009, 1:08 PM

    Re: disabled upload file button on demo

    Ok, i figured out the setting that's causing this but i need someone to help me understand why.
    the upload type was set to Auto.  If i change this to Flash it works on the server.  If i change this to iFrame it works on the server but only allows a single file upload even though the demo is set for multi-file upload.  If i set this to silverlight the button disables and does nothing.  If i run the project locally with auto or silverlight it works just fine.  push it to the server using auto or silverlight the button disables and does not show the file prompt.
    Can anyone explain what's going on here with the silverlight implementation?  The usefullness of this control to our organization is it's flexability to use silverlight or flash on the fly (via auto).
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