Problems with insert <add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="~/log/CuteEditorTemp" />

  •  04-28-2009, 12:35 PM

    Problems with insert <add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="~/log/CuteEditorTemp" />

    Im desperat. In one of my old projects (made with VS2005) those lines of code do the trick:
    add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="~/log/CuteEditorTemp" />
    in the web.config file.
    But in a new VS2008 project, it dosent matter where i put it, it wont accept it. Where is the correct place to place the code in a VS2008 web.config file???
    Anyone have an exsampel of a web.config file, where it is placed correct?'
    Kindly PeterDK
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