Re: Setting Editor.Text value when Editor block style is display:none in FireFox

  •  04-27-2009, 6:26 PM

    Re: Setting Editor.Text value when Editor block style is display:none in FireFox

    I'm having the same problem, now with version 6.3.
    The first time you unhide the div with the Cute Editor in it (by setting display = block) it throws an error when you call Editor1.setHTML(myHTML);
    However all subsequent times I unhide the div, everything works fine. 
    I have a live demo, which illustrates the problem, here:  Hover your mouse over any of the text in the main part of the page to see a context menu come up.  select the first item in the context menu to bring up the editor.
    BTW this problem doesn't exist if I use style.visibility to hide and show the div, instead of style.display.  The only problem with style.visibility is it seems to leave some "ghosts" behind after the editor div is hidden. 
    BTW, I forgot to mention, this result is consistent in both Firefox 3 and IE7.  Thanks.
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