Paste IE bug

  •  04-21-2009, 10:17 AM

    Paste IE bug

    There seems to be a bug with the javascript Paste functions.
    This bug effects IE not FF.
    I'm using IE7.
    I'm using a ListBox control, when I click an item, the entry will be pasted in the CuteEditor at the last caret index(last position the user clicked within the textarea).
    Firefox does this correctly, however, on my page AND your demo site, the caret position doesn't seem to be stored correctly.
    Any of the paste functions pastes in a nearby (but not exactly) position within the text body.
    You can recreate this by following these steps.
    Use your demo page.
    In the 1st paragraph at the end (below "...other teams do so too. ") hit enter twice to add 2 line breaks.
    Add the text "This is a new paragraph."
    Click on the blank line above the newly entrered text.
    Click the button "insert HTML".
    The text gets pasted on the line with text, not on the blank line as intended.
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    The new text should be here...
    This is a test!This is a new paragraph.
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