Re: Attempting to deploy Demo version to server failing

  •  04-17-2009, 2:56 PM

    Re: Attempting to deploy Demo version to server failing

    I was able to fix this.....  I'll describe the problem below in case anyone else tries the same thing i did.
    I apologize if this is already an understood notion but i did not realize the bin directory for my app had to be specifically under the base Web Directory.
    I had my Web directory  and was creating a test folder underneath it to test the uplaoder... so my bin folder was inside a sub folder of the webdirectory.
    WebDirectory/Test/Bin/  (dll and license file were here)
    1) the bin directory needed to be directly under the Web directory Path.
    2) You can also have sub directories  but the bin file must remain at the base level of your web directory
    so the following two paths can co - exist.
    WebDirectory/Bin (Dll and license here) /
    WebDirectory/Test/UploadPage.aspx ( with uploader control here)
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