Changing text inserts new paragraph

  •  04-14-2009, 2:56 PM

    Changing text inserts new paragraph

    In FF3, when multiple paragraphs are selected and the text is changed (color, font, size, highlighted), the paragraphs are dropped down a line and a new <p> is inserted before the paragraphs.

    Duplication Steps:
    1. Go to and use <p> as the line break
    2. In normal view, type anything then press <enter> then type anything
    3. Click to the right of the last line causing it to show <p> on the bottom of the editor
    4. Select all text with the mouse and change the font (or color, size, or highlight)
    5. Change the view to HTML - notice <p>&nbsp;</p> has been added to the top of the text
    <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">
    <p>asd </p>
    <p><br />
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