MaxHTMLLength and UpdatePanel

  •  04-01-2009, 10:29 AM

    MaxHTMLLength and UpdatePanel

    I'm having an issue with the MaxHTMLLength property.  I have an updatepanel containing a CuteEditor and a submit button.  I fill up the cuteditor with enough text to overflow the limit. 
    When I click the submit button, I see an error message ("The HTML Code to be added has reached the chacter limit... Please reduce the length to continue"), but the data is then truncated and the postback is not stopped. 
    So either the error message needs to get changed to "The data will be truncated" or it needs to stop the postback from happening. Perhaps I'm missing a setting here or some way to hook up the control to a ValidationGroup to stop the postback?  The updatepanel might not have anything to do with it.
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