How can I set the width for a custom dropdown?

  •  03-26-2009, 3:24 PM

    How can I set the width for a custom dropdown?

    We have a custom dropdown that is rendering differently in FireFox than in IE.  It renders properly in IE but in FireFox the dropdown content exceeds the box that should be around the control. 
    This is the declaration:
           public CuteEditor.RichDropDownList ConfigureCuteEdit(CuteEditor.Editor cuteEdit, MergeTagTable mt)
                CuteEditor.RichDropDownList rdl = new CuteEditor.RichDropDownList(cuteEdit);
                rdl.ID = "rdlMergeTags";
                rdl.Attributes["onchange"] = "CuteEditor_DropDownCommand(this, 'PasteHTML')";
                rdl.CssClass = "CuteEditorDropDown";
                return rdl;
    I tried adding this, but it did not work:
                rdl.Attributes["width"] = "110";
     What can I use to force the width to a size so that the box around the dropdown content will surround it properly?
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