Re: FF3.0 Paste from Word - Meta Tags

  •  03-24-2009, 6:19 PM

    Re: FF3.0 Paste from Word - Meta Tags

    I'm having a similar problem. Everything works perfectly in IE, but FireFox is doing something really strange. It is removing all of the "r"s from the text. This is especially problematic as it changes any line breaks ("<br>") or bold tags ("<b>").
    As with the other poster, the example on your site works fine, but the exact same code on my site does not. I am relatively new to the product and am using version 6.3.
    Any help would be appreciated. The code I am using is:
    Dim editor1
    Set editor1 = New CuteEditor 'Create a new editor class object
    'Set the ID of this editor class
    editor1.ID = "IntroParagraph"
    'Set the initial HTML value of editor control
    editor1.FilesPath = "/Programs/CuteEditor_Files"
    editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "/Programs/asp.css"
    editor1.Height = 200
    editor1.Width = 500
    editor1.Focus = false
    editor1.UseSimpleAmpersand = true
    editor1.EditorOnPaste = "PasteCleanHTML"
    editor1.BreakElement = "br"
    editor1.MaxHTMLLength = "8000" editor1.TemplateItemList="G_start,Bold,Italic,Underline,Separator,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,Separator,Cut,Copy,Paste,Delete,Separator,Undo,Redo,G_end" editor1.DisableItemList = "Save,Print,Find,ToFullPage,FromFullPage"
    editor1.ResizeMode = "None"
    editor1.EnableContextMenu = false
    editor1.RemoveTBODYTag = true
    editor1.EnableClientScript = true
    editor1.ActiveTab = "Edit"
    editor1.ShowToolBar = true I
    editor1.ShowHtmlMode = true
    editor1.ShowPreviewMode = true
    editor1.ShowBottomBar = true
    editor1.Text = IntroParagraphVal
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