Re: Few question regarding functionality of the editor and the developer license

  •  03-23-2009, 11:08 AM

    Re: Few question regarding functionality of the editor and the developer license

    Thanks for the interest.
    1. Something I just now notice: Why is it that when I move my mouse over one of the dropdowns at the top toolbar, the mousepointer is an I-beam instead of an arrow? Is this adjustable in the stylesheet (this is IE)? And, using Navigator, the mouse icon when over toolbar buttons has that weird "acces denied" or something cursor?

      This issue will be fixed as soon as possible
    2. I really, really like the way spellchecking has been implented in the RAD grid. Spellchecking in cuteditor opens a separate dialog. The behavior of such windows depends very much on which browser you're using, but (imo) is only acceptable in FF and IE. Other browsers open a new tab, or place a new icon on the taskbar when opening such a modal new window. Is there any way the default spellcheck can be overriden to use one of those "not-really-a-dialog" screens? The ones used by, for instance, the image gallery?

      We will implement this feature in the coming new build.
    3. Another feature of the RAD grid is that the toolbar can be hidden when the editor doesn't have the focus and shown when it does. This is a real space saver (and makes the page less bloating as well, when lots of other controls exist). Does the cuteeditor have an option to use javascript calls to show hide the toolbar at such events?
    4. Closely related to point "3". Is it possile to use javascript calls to change the toolbar layout? Real world example: having several small editors (with few space for toolbar buttons) showing a small subset of the toolbar buttons but, when switching to full screen few, replacing that simple toolbar with a full toolbar (and back again, when switching to small window).

      I suggest you use the Ajax to achieve this. Chat
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