The area you are attempting to access is forbidden

  •  03-23-2009, 1:40 AM

    The area you are attempting to access is forbidden

    I have the Editor and and the filemanager button on the same form.  I use the file button to upload an Attachment and the form for email text.   The Editor works fine I can upload images...extra.  The file manager button lists the above error message.
    Below is my code.

       Dim uPath :
       uPath = replace(replace(replace(session("uUser_id"), "{", ""), "}", ""), "-", "")
           Dim editor3
           Set editor3 = New CuteEditor
           Dim sAttachment : sAttachment = "sAttachment"
           editor3.ID = "sAttachment"
           editor3.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
           editor3.SecurityPolicyFile = "default.config"
           editor3.Text = ""
           editor3.FilesGalleryPath= "/districtapp/uploads/" + uPath
           editor3.URLType= "Absolute"
           editor3.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
           ' Request.Form(ID) access from other page
              <Script Language="javascript">
           function callInsertImage() 
            var editor4 = document.getElementById('<%=editor3.ClientID%>');
            var editdoc4 = editor4.GetDocument(); 
           function InputURL()
            var editor4 = document.getElementById('<%=editor3.ClientID%>');
            var editdoc4 = editor4.GetDocument(); 
            var links = editdoc4.getElementsByTagName("a");
            document.getElementById("sAttachDesc").value = links[links.length-1].href;
       dim tEmailMessageHTML_1
       tEmailMessageHTML_1 =  rsPub_BulkEmailMsg.Fields.Item("tEmailMessageHTML").Value    
       Dim editor
       Set editor = New CuteEditor  'Create a new editor class object     
       'Set the ID of this editor class
       editor.ID = "tEmailMessageHTML_1"
       'Set the initial HTML value of editor control
       editor.Text = tEmailMessageHTML_1
       editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
       'The toolbar items needed to be disabled going to this string. Example DisableItemList="Bold, New, Delete"
       editor.DisableItemList = "Save, New, Zoom, Print, ToFullPage, InsertAnchor, UniversalKeyboard, InsertLayer, InsertFieldSet, Links, Codes, Images, CssClass, CssStyle"
       editor.Width = 650
       editor.height = 500
       editor.URLType= "Absolute"
       editor.SecurityPolicyFile = "default.config"

       editor.AutoConfigure = "Full_noform"
       editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
       'Set Image path
       'Dim uPath :
       uPath = replace(replace(replace(session("uUser_id"), "{", ""), "}", ""), "-", "")
       editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/districtapp/uploads/" + uPath
       editor.MediaGalleryPath= "/districtapp/uploads/" + uPath
       editor.FlashGalleryPath= "/districtapp/uploads/" + uPath
       editor.TemplateGalleryPath= "/districtapp/uploads/" + uPath
       editor.FilesGalleryPath= "/districtapp/uploads/" + uPath

       'editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/districtapp/uploads"



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