Setting in Config File to Resize Image without constraint proportion

  •  03-17-2009, 12:31 AM

    Setting in Config File to Resize Image without constraint proportion

    I am using the cute editor to create emails and landing page for the user.
    Now what my requiremnet says is if I want to fit an image into the template where image should be 12X15 in size, then I am not able to do so with any other image. As while resizing the image shrinks and grows in proportion.
    The option is there in the property window of the image to set the size of it without constraint of height and width.
    Can I make any setting in any file of cute editor that may allow image resizing from cute editor without constraining the proportional values of height and width.
    Reply as soon as posiible. As I have to deliver the code early. Thanks for the help till now.
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