Can you fix this bug? (Fix included)

  •  03-16-2009, 1:14 PM

    Can you fix this bug? (Fix included)

    For some time we have been receiving occasional random Javascript errors in IE7 and have found the solution. Can you add this fix to Cute Editor so that we do not need to hack the implementation file each time we update?

    Inside of IE_Implementation\CuteEditorImplementation.js the first part of function Ox93a reads like this:
    1. function Ox93a() {  
    2.   Ox777(Ox6f2, OxO9f54[1297], function () {editdoc[OxO9f54[15]].focus();}); 
    This causes a number of issues and hard to find Javascript errors in IE7 when the editor is hidden. It appears that under certain circumstances IE7 focuses the iframe when the editors div is set to display:none. IE7 then throws an error because an element cannot be focused when it is hidden ;o)

    Can you please change it to:
    1. function Ox93a() {  
    2.   Ox777(Ox6f2, OxO9f54[1297], function () {try{editdoc[OxO9f54[15]].focus();}catch(e){}}); 
    This solves the problem and will mean that cute editor behaves better when this situation is encountered.
    Can you please give me some feedback on whether you will implement this change?
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