Multi-file upload in CuteEditor

  •  03-25-2005, 2:49 PM

    Multi-file upload in CuteEditor

    I was wondering if anyone has been successful in integrating multi-file uploads into CuteEditor 4.0.

    At this time, I am using CuteEditor 2.0 which has been modified to use an applet to support multi-file uploads.  However, I've been asked to upgrade to CuteEditor 4.0 and would really like to avoid using an applet altogether.
    I've looked on various sites and most people think that mutli-file uploads should incorporate multiple fupload boxes before the user clicks an upload button.  Yuck!  How am I supposed to know how many fupload boxes the user initially wants?  I'm looking more along the lines of one popup window where a user can select multiple files to upload before clicking the upload button
    Any comment/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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