Re: Paste from word loses formatting

  •  03-06-2009, 7:22 AM

    Re: Paste from word loses formatting

    Sure, if you think that the word source you posted is correct then maybe that is one part of the problem ... open the file in Word and you can easily see the differences.
    1) The font style I used for "THIS IS SOME TEXT" is "Algerian" (standard Windows font) ... the font name "Algerian" is not mentioned in the original Word source that you have posted, "Times New Roman" is used instead - there must be an issue with the way you are obtaining the source.
    2) If you paste the text into Firefox you get a different result than IE ... "THIS IS SOME TEXT" is no longer underlined and it is "Times New Roman" instead of "Algerian"
    We have received a lot of complaints from our customers about this issue.
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