Problems Adding JavaScript in links.

  •  03-04-2009, 2:11 PM

    Problems Adding JavaScript in links.

    I am trying to add some javascript to my booking engine links but when I switch between Design view and HTML view the javascript is getting destroyed.
    I tested using editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false
    but when I add that i get an error saying
    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
    Object doesn't support this property or method: 'editor.EnableStripScriptTags'
    this is a sample of the link I am trying to add:
    <a href="" onclick="'{PringCodeHere}&amp;RPT=Package'),'','resizable,scrollbars,toolbar,location,width=800,height=600,top=500,left=500');">This is a Test</a>
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