What's new in CuteEditor 6.3?

  •  02-27-2009, 5:44 PM

    What's new in CuteEditor 6.3?

    New Features and Improvements:

    • Insert image dialog and image gallery dialog can both point to its own file directory.

      You can modify ImageGalleryPath element and ImageBrowserPath element of the security policy files to meet your own requirements.

      For example:

      <security name ="ImageGalleryPath" >/uploads</security><!-- Image Gallery Dialog -->
      <security name ="ImageBrowserPath" >/uploads</security><!-- Insert Image Dialog -->

      Programmatically specify the Image gallery path

      C# Example:

          //use the app-based path
          Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= "~/uploads";
          Editor1.Setting["security:ImageBrowserPath"]= "~/uploads";

      VB Example:

          //use the app-based path    
          Editor1.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath")= "~/uploads"
          Editor1.Setting("security:ImageBrowserPath")= "~/uploads"

    • The new Editor.EditorBodyClass property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies the Class name that will be added to the body of the editor document.
      /// </summary>

    • Customizing the colors used in the editor?

      The Colors Panel of Cute Editor by default displays a predefined set of colors. You can easily modify this default set by inserting a piece of Javascript code into the page.

      Customizing the color

      You can easily modify this default set by creating your own color array.
      CuteEditorColorArray = new Array("#FF0000","#FF9900","#99CC00","#339966","#33CCCC","#3366FF","#800080","#999999",


      You can also disable the "more colors" option.
      <script> CuteEditorShowMoreColors=false</script>
    Fixed Bugs:   
    - Fixed: Cute Editor in AJAX with multiple control problem


    - Fixed: Changing Behavior of TAB Key bug


    - Client Request:  Remove FrameStyle from Cute Editor control


    - Fixed: Cute Editor doesn't support Iphone and Ipod.


    - Client Request: Please don't remove empty span tag from HTML code.

    Details: Specifically we need the these not to change:

    - Client Request: Is there any way to make hyperlinks active in Normal edit mode without switching to Preview?

    Details: Clients now can use Alt + click to make hyperlinks active in Normal edit mode.

    - Fixed: When set UseFontTags to false, Editor doesn't remember the cursor position font color/size selection. If you select a piece of text, apply the size/color, it works.

    - Client Request: I am getting line feed chararacter (\r\n) for the enter key from GetHTML() method. Is there any way to get HTML without line feed character?

    - Fixed: If table border style is set to "border-right: #b1953a 1px solid", the code will be removed in FireFox

    Details: If I put anything about a border in a style tag of a cell (works fine for the table), FireFox rips it out.  IE does not.
    style="border-right: #b1953a 1px solid;"  if I have this in a cell tag in IE - it's ok.  If I copy & paste into HTML in FireFox, click on normal view and then click back, it's gone.

    -Fixed: Paste plain text bug.

    To reproduce it, please type is in the editor:
    Then copy the text an click on "Paste plain text". You get this

    -Fixed: Euro (€) sybol not being displayed correctly.

    -Fixed: Firefox automatically adds 3px padding if the padding is 0.


    - Client Request: Is there a way I can control the z-index of the CuteEditor dialog windows?

    Details: I'm trying to integrate CuteEditor with ExtJS (http://extjs.com).
    The biggest setback so far is that the popup dialogs of CuteEditor are rendered behind my ExtJS windows (which are popups themselves).
    Is there a way I can control the z-index of the CuteEditor dialog windows?


    Please open the following JavaScript file:


    And modify the following code:

    //Default dialog's z-index

    -Fixed: Click the Undo after resizing a table,  it gives the following Javascript error:
    Line: 1
    Char: 1
    Error: Invalid procedure call or argument

    -Fixed: Click the table button, and then table option, and then click Cancel, and it gives an error and the table is created (you can see when you view HTML).

    -Fixed: When the context menu is opened first time, the size of it is too big. It's very, very annoying.

    -Fixed: Problems with <noscript></noscript> tag.

    Details: One of my editors is trying to use the <noscript></noscript> tag.
    Problem is all the content he puts in the tags gets stripped out.

    -Fixed: BaseHref doesn't work for Firefox

    -Fixed: Inserting html at the wrong location if cuteeditor looses cursor before inserting


    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

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