Re: How to avoid page breaks inside section?

  •  02-26-2009, 11:16 PM

    Re: How to avoid page breaks inside section?

    Here is what i am trying to do. I am editing some text with Cute Editor. This text can contain one or several paragrahps, I do not know in advance.
    Eventually I take the HTML produced by Cute Editor and insert it into some other HTML code which will eventually be converted to PDF by external means. Sometimes the Cute Editor HTML is inserted after a small block of HTML, other times it is inserted after a larger block of HTML. There is no way to know in advance where the end of the page will be in the text edited by Cute Editor. That is why i cannot place "page break" markers.
    I would like to be able to define sections which cannot be "broken". Sections that are garanteed to appear on the same page.
    If I was writing the HTML code manually, this would be easy to do. But I am using Cute Editor in an ASP.NET page to edit some text, and I use the HTML output from Cute Editor. So, can we use Cute Editor do define sections  that will absolutely appear on the same page when printed?
    Thank you.
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