Problem with using Uploader with https

  •  02-23-2009, 3:25 PM

    Problem with using Uploader with https

    I have built a web app based on the demo "File storage application powered by Ajax".   My app works perfectly under http. Using the links available in the Gridview columns "FileName" and "Download", I can view any file and use the "Save Target As" functionality on any file regardless of extension.  However, when I apply the SSL certificate, I can only view files ending with image extensions(jpg,gif,png). If I try to use "Save Target As" on any file, I receive the error "Internet Explorer cannot download DownloadFile.Ashx?FileID=48 from website. The file could not be written to the cache." I have try reinstalling the SSL certificate on the web server several times, and it still does not work. I need to have this site working by COB on 2/27/09. HELP PLEASE!
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