Style Issues

  •  02-19-2009, 3:10 PM

    Style Issues

    I have UploadAttachments up and working in my project.  My only issue is getting some basic style.  Here is what I have:
    <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments InsertText="Upload PDF Scan Package file(s)" runat="server" ID="_attachments" onunload="_attachments_Unload">               
    <TableStyle Width="100%" GridLines="Both" BackColor="RoyalBlue"/>               
    <HeaderRowStyle BackColor="AliceBlue" ForeColor="Black" />               
    <ItemLabelStyle  ForeColor="Gold"/>               
    <ItemCellStyle BackColor="RoyalBlue" />               
    <VALIDATEOPTION AllowedFileExtensions="pdf" />                           
    Only ItemLabelStyle &  ItemCellStyle are  working...I have tried adding a CssClass also to no avail....please help
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