Re: Error trying to create a template - worked fine before I upgraded 6.0 to 6.2

  •  02-19-2009, 2:29 AM

    Re: Error trying to create a template - worked fine before I upgraded 6.0 to 6.2

    Can I get an answer on this please?
    It's absolutely insane that a feature that worked perfectly fine is now broken in a newer version. If it helps, here's the parameters I'm setting on the control.
    With editoContol               
    .AllowPasteHtml = Tue               
    .EnableStipStyleTagsCodeInjection = False               
    .EnableStipSciptTags = False               
    .AutoConfigue = CuteEdito.AutoConfigue.Simple               
    .CustomCultue = sessLanguage.CuteEditoId               
    .ShowHtmlMode = Tue               
    .ShowPeviewMode = False               
    .ShowTagSelecto = False               
    .EditCompleteDocument = Tue               
    .UsePhysicalFomattingTags = Tue               
    .BeakElement = CuteEdito.BeakElement.P               
    .ThemeType = CuteEdito.ThemeType.OfficeXP               
    .URLType = CuteEdito.URLType.Absolute               
    .EnableAntiSpamEmailEncode = False           
    End With
    Also, as you'll notice above, why when I paste code into your editor window here, does it remove all instances of the letter 'r' from the text!?!?!
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