Another way to solve my probelm would be to add my own custom button with a post back. Trouble is I can either have a button with no image (postback works) or an ImageButton with no post back? Please help I have been trying to solve this for hours.
Button btSave = new Button(); // Works but cant have image
or ImageButton btSave = new ImageButton(); // Has image (no hover) but postback does not work (does not save data)
btSave.ID = "btSave";
btSave.CommandName = "Save";
btSave.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.AbsMiddle;
btSave.CausesValidation = false;
btSave.ToolTip = "Save";
btSave.CssClass = "ButtonAsImage";
btSave.OnClientClick = "return SavingWP()";
btSave.ImageUrl = "/CS/RTFEditor/Images/Save.gif";
this._tb.InsertToolControl(1, "MySave", btSave);