I can´t write in the Cute Editor

  •  02-09-2009, 2:49 PM

    I can´t write in the Cute Editor

    I was using previously Editor, Now  I'm try to changing it for the new "Editor Cute for PHP" but it's give me some problem with the same code.

    The "Editor Cute for PHP" in a simple windows of the Web Explore the Cute Editor it works very well but if I using the function ***"WinD01 = new Ext.Window(..."closeAction:'hide'...)..... WinD01.show()" *** to open a new window and inside of the code I putting  the Cute Editor for PHP, when the windows is showing I cannot Write in the Cute Editor.

    After that I adding this code

    /*<div id="DivHd" style="display:none; visibility:hidden; width:100%;

    …… the original code…….


    and when the new window is open with "WinD01.show()" I execute a code "Ext.get(' DivHd ').dom.style.display = 'block'; Ext.get(' DivHd').dom.style.visibility='visible'  to show "DivHd", the first time It's works but when I hiding the windows and try to open again,  it the same problem I can't write.

    Note: My English is not very good
    Thanks for your help
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