A couple of questions...

  •  02-03-2009, 6:29 PM

    A couple of questions...

    I'm trying this tool out for possible use on a website. I'm having a little difficulty in a couple of areas.
    Is there a way to hide the "home" image? I don't need it or want it.
    If I turn on just the "thumbnaildescription", the text gets displayed so far below, it looks like it's associated with the image below it. Looks like the placeholders are still there for the date, name, etc.  Can anything be done about that?
    Is there a way to hide the "rebuild index" image? If a user clicks it, it blows away all the titles and descriptions. There's no warning it's about to do "destructive" things. Is there a way to control that? At the very least, put a message box there...
    Otherwise, it works pretty cool.
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