Re: OK - Valid question re: CuteEditor_FilterHTML

  •  01-28-2009, 9:15 PM

    Re: OK - Valid question re: CuteEditor_FilterHTML

    Thanks again Adam, But neither
    var sel = document.getSelection();
    var rng = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); 
    don't work, neither get the text on the clipboard, both are empty.
    any other suggestions?
    for the record, all I'm trying to do is to restrict any text entered into the editor to Arial 12pt, you'd think this would be easy but I've already wasted lost of time on it. It's easy to do when typed straight into the editor using the editor body css, but the problem is when text is pasted in. As you can see I'm trying to strip the replace the font name and size, as I sai it works in IE, but not in FF. But if you know another way to accomplish what I want please let me know
    ps I want to retain all other formatting like Bold and underline, it's just the font face and size I want to control.
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