Dynamic value in code

  •  01-23-2009, 1:54 AM

    Dynamic value in code

    If I write this in hard code, it works fine:
    editor1.PasteHTML("<img src='http://www.wood-it.be/Carpenters/CarpentersAlbumPicturesLogo.asp?idCarp=2530'>");
    but the value of idCarp= is dynamic and if I write it this way, it does not work:
    editor1.PasteHTML("<img src='http://www.wood-it.be/Carpenters/CarpentersAlbumPicturesLogo.asp?idCarp="&pidCarp&"'>");
    and it is normal.

    I also have tried this:
    myVallue = "<img src='http://www.wood-it.be/Carpenters/CarpentersAlbumPicturesLogo.asp?idCarp=" & pidCarp & "'>"
    but that does not work either.

    How could I bypass this ?
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