Re: Hyperlink popup from a database?

  •  01-21-2009, 1:26 PM

    Re: Hyperlink popup from a database?

    Hi, I'm trying to implement the same functionality, where I populate the hyperlink popup "url browse" on add/edit from database.
    where do I implement my myfunction() method which is triggered on browse click button?
    Note: I'm building a cms, what i'm trying to accomplish is once the url browse button of hyperlink popup is clicked, i would query db for available web page ids and display to user for selection.
    Once user selects a certain page, i would write result to the url textbox, value of textbox would be something like showpage.aspx?webpageid=1
    Is this doable? Also In order to implement this do I have to purchase the Source code license?
    Much Thanks for your help
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