Image Uploader doesn't work for IE with Flash 10

  •  01-14-2009, 2:56 PM

    Image Uploader doesn't work for IE with Flash 10

    We are having problems with image uploader: some of the browsers do not show file selector when "Upload" button is pressed inside "Image Gallery", "Insert Image" and other sections of the CuteEditor where uploader is used. I have read (inide Ajax Uploader forum) that this problem is related to Flash10a.osx, so I was able to fix it by chaning InsertImage.aspx file by adding  UploadType="IFrame" into "<CE:Uploader ..." line
    So, is there a solution for the CuteEditor, which doesn't involve modifing all aspx files where Uploader is used? I would like to be able to upload multiple files at once and not use a work around like UploadType="IFrame"
    Is there a way to apply UploadType="IFrame" once so all uploaders inside CuteEditor would take this setting?
    I'm using CuteEditor 6.2 Build 2008-10-01
    Thank you,
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