Issue with Image Map button

  •  01-14-2009, 12:44 PM

    Issue with Image Map button

    I have a CuteEditor component set up so that the paths are all correct for the image gallery and the base path but when I click the image and click the Image Map button, it pulls a different url (/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs) as the base path. I used the following code to set the paths:
    (apath = "/data/components/696/")
    base.SetSecurityGalleryPath("~" + apath);
    base.SetSecurityFilesGalleryPath("~" + apath);
    base.SetSecurityFlashGalleryPath("~" + apath);
    base.SetSecurityImageGalleryPath("~" + apath);
    base.SetSecurityMediaGalleryPath("~" + apath);
    base.SetSecurityTemplateGalleryPath("~" + apath);
    (WebBasePath = "http://localhost:57347/")
    base.BaseHref = My.Server.Website.WebBasePath;
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