Rane server error?

  •  03-17-2005, 6:37 AM

    Rane server error?


    I am trying to integrate CuteChat with my web application. I have implemented the SqlDataProvider and IUserIdentityProvider classes with very simple stubs for the minute. I also get this problem with the Sample application.

    When the user wishes to enter the chat side of things I am simply sending them into a single room. When they enter this room, a message box pops up:

    Rane Server Error:
    System.ArgumentNullException: Array cannot be null
    Parameter name: bytes

    and then the rest of the stack trace...

    When I hit OK on the message box, the chat window loads up, but I get a message at the top of the chat frame:

    "@ http://localhost/CuteChatSample/CuteChat/ChatRoom.aspx?RoomId=1 # 678 'Service' is null or not an object"

    I also get a Javascript error: Line 220 Char 3 Error: 'ChatRoomRaneService' is undefined

    What have I done wrong?



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