Corrupted text when pulling from DB

  •  01-01-2009, 3:46 PM

    Corrupted text when pulling from DB

    Well here goes...
    I recently purchased the Classic ASP Cute Editor. This product works great and was easy to install, however I am having a major problem when the editor grabs text that is stored in the database.
    Here is my situation.
    Step 1: User creates a new article in the editor and then saves the article. The article is then stored into the DB correctly.
    Step 2: When a user wants to edit the article, the article is then pulled into the editor and this is where the issue happens. All of the curly brackets and what not are replaced with weird symbols. I believe there is an issue with the fact that our site is in UTF-8 and the data being pulled is in ISO-? (Microsoft default ISO).
    In order to troubleshoot I used the demo on your website. The difference between the demo on the Website and my editor is that when you paste text and say clean Word formatting, etc. The text still contains curly or smart quotes and symbols. Where as on the Demo on your site, when I paste, the smart symbols are replaced with basic symbols
    If anyone could help me ASAP I am trying to launch a website and this is the only thing that is holding me back!
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