Re: Upload not working

  •  12-31-2008, 4:52 PM

    Re: Upload not working

    OK, I tried adding UploadType="IFrame" to the HTML.  Same result: it works locally, but not remotely.  Here is my HTML control declaration:
    <CuteWebUI:UploadPersistedFile UploadType="IFrame" runat="server" ID="uplFile" InsertText="Browse" ManualStartUpload="false" MultipleFilesUpload="false" OnFileUploaded="uplFile_FileUploaded" TempDirectory="~/UploaderTemp" ></CuteWebUI:UploadPersistedFile>                                            
    Again, environment is as follows:
    • IIS 6.0
    • Windows Server 2003
    • Enable anonymous access = unchecked
    • Integrated Windows authentication = checked
    • Framework 3.5 is installed, and the app is targeting v3.5
    • Web Site app pool identity has Modify permissions to UploaderTemp folder
    Works locally, does not work remotely.  Please help.
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