Upload not working

  •  12-29-2008, 6:56 PM

    Upload not working

    The UploadPersistedFile control works locally, both via the built-in Dev Server in asp.net, as well as locally on the server itself.  But it doesn't work from my browser to the remote server.  It starts to upload the file, then prompts for credentials when it gets to the end.  If I re-enter my credentials, it prompts again.  If I cancel the credentials prompt, I get a javascript alert: "Error, HTTP, 401".  Nothing is in the UploaderTemp folder (which I manually created). 
    The local Network Service has Modify permissions to the UploaderTemp folder (and if I remove these permissions, it stops working locally as well, so it would appear I have the permissions straight). 

    What would cause this?  
    FYI, we are still in the process of purchasing the product (things move at a glacial pace here).  Could that cause this pattern?  There are no license-related error messages generated.
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