Upload Button Not working in firefox 2.0

  •  12-25-2008, 10:24 PM

    Upload Button Not working in firefox 2.0

    I tried to implement ajax uploader's simple upload with progress (custom validation) in my project.
    the files are uploaded fine in IE7 and firefox 3.0.
    but the upload button is disabled in firefox 2.0.
    i also tried by changing the upload method to iframe.
    the iframe method again works fine in IE7 and firefox 3.0 .
    In firefox 2.0 the upload button is activated in iframe upload mode,
    but is giving "invalid postback or callout argument error message" when the upload file button is clicked.
    Moreover the uploaded files are renamed with .resx extension added at the end of the filename.
    1111.swf converts to
    Is there any inbuilt functionality in the uploader component which uploads the file in original extension and name?
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