Urgent issue need to resolved..

  •  12-23-2008, 12:07 PM

    Urgent issue need to resolved..

    Hi Adam,
    I have crosschecked the following issues on all the examples available on cutesofts site.Its not working.
    1. once the I added a word into the dictionary then added word is maintained only for that specific browser in which the word was added.if u will login with other browser then u will find that added word is not there in the dictionary .I need to add the same word again.
    2. Resizing CuteEditor in safari resize the content area and with this the content area can be totaly disappear.
    3. If I drag a icon on editor..in IE 7.0 it takes the correct src. but in FireFox it removes the http://www.abc.com/test. this was the same issue I come across when I tried to paste image through customize aspx page. But there It got solved as I 'm creating the <img ....> string and there I put src_cetemp. bu there it uses the editors paste method.
    4. In spellcheck option the word count isnot correct.
    5. The word count and character count on editor is also not correct.
    6. even if not entered any thing to editor , when try to get the value or check it
      if (Editor2.value="")
      do some thing
      Do something
      It alwasy goes to Else condition. When I debug this I found when the value isblank the editor2.value is having values like
      Please provide some solution
    7. “Cut” button is enabled by default and every time when I click “cut” it removes left most character.
    8. In FireFox if I click on HTML or Preview tab then it must get highlighted as in case on IE 7.0.
       The 3 tabs in the botton... "Normal","HTML" and "preview"
    9. Not able to play Embedded object from dekhona.com

      <object width='400' height='333'><param name='movie' value='http://www.dekhona.com/player.swf' /><param name='flashvars' value='image=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.jpg&file=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.flv&showfsbutton=false' /><embed src='http://www.dekhona.com/player.swf' width='400' height='333' flashvars='image=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.jpg&file=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.flv&&showfsbutton=false'></embed></object>

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