Videos are black

  •  12-21-2008, 11:44 AM

    Videos are black

    Hi sorry for ma bad english!
    i have install nukeChat4 on a DNN5 R2 Portal
    all works great but the Videos are black.
    The user can not see his own Camera and the Chatpartner didn't see it too. (no firewalls on Client)
    My FME works, i canLivestreaming with the FME.
    I have Create the Folder  CuteChat:
    C:"Program Files"Adobe"Flash Media Server 3"applications"CuteChat
    and in the admin menue i have entry:  /CuteChat
    Question: The CuteChat folder in FMS  is Empty ?? I have in the Folder  live and vod  any Files.
    I think there must be files in this folder?
    Please help me. 
    Greetings from Germany
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